
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rollingstone 5th August

We are now at Rollingstone and have been for a few days. We are free camping at a beautiful spot - it is right next to a crystal clear fresh water creek. I went for a dip and Val went for a slip - both had the same effect - we got wet and cool. The weather has been absolutely perfect. Cloudless, warm days and coolish nights. As it is so dark in the van we have not been getting out of bed till nature REALLY calls - have a peek at the clock ---9 in the a.m. We NEVER sleep that late; but then again we have very little to do and we have all day to do it in.

At this free camp you are only supposed to stay for 48 hours but no rangers have called so we are staying 4 days. There is fresh water on tap and we have only had to start the generator to charge the battery in the computer. The solar panel keeps the 2 batteries fully charged - the fridge is on gas and the only time we use power is to pay a few Cds and watch a bit of telly at night.

We have great neighbours here, good for a laugh. Every camper is so friendly. On Saturday night a local band came into the camp area and set themselves and entertained us (free of charge) for a few hours. They do it on a regular basis and we all had a good sing-a-long. (out of tune of course!)

It's good fun to see other campers come in and see how good/bad they are at backing their rigs. I reckon I am pretty good after watching some of them.

Everybody, no matter their age or situation in life, should try this sort of lifestyle for a while. Talked to a young kid last night - his parents have taken time out and they are travelling for a while - he said he will catch up with schooling in an accelerated fashion at the end of the year.

Rollingstone free camp

Bushy Parker fresh water creek
Is that a CROC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All he needs is a beer and life would be complete!!!!!
Val has Terry doing some pottery. Before you ask, Terry ocassionally does wear a shirt!

Waiting for a train that will NEVER come.

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