
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Atherton - 11th September Saturday

Left windy Cooktown on Friday and arrived at Atherton mid afternoon same day. Nice easy drive with little traffic. After we set up camp we took it easy and had a few drinks, watched a wallaby come into the park for a feed and then we had a feed. Watched some TV - 11 channels to choose from, just watched the Titans win (yippeeeeee)!!!!! and then to bed. We have been used to min. temps at night of 23-24 degrees. Atherton is a bit different - the minimum at night is about 16 and max is 25. Woke up early this morn looking for a blanket - must be getting soft.

Still waiting for Samantha to give birth to our first great- grandchild. C'mon Sam - get a wriggle on!!!!!!!!

Anyway - here are some photos - we took a drive today round the Waterfall Circuit.
This is the view from our spot in the van park.

We even went for a (very quick) in the pool - twas a bit chilly.

Visiting wallaby.

We went to a cheese and chocolate factory - they forced us to buy some camambert cheese, some chocolate and I kindly shared my ice-cream

and this little cuty was called Annabelle - when you scratched under her chin her eyes rolled back in her head - ecstasy.

and this one hates Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Malanda Falls - just a few klms
from Atherton.

Yungaburra Curtain Fig tree - it's about 12 metres high.

Aboriginal Mosaic near Malanda falls.

Yungaburra spider - its spread was as large as a mans' hand.

Millaa Millaa falls - probably the most photographed falls on the Atherton Tableland.

This stream from the Millaa Millaa Falls helps to feed the Barron River.

They should put scenic stuff closer to the road!!!! Quite a number of steep steps to negotiate before we got to the falls - Val's hip was sore so didn't want to do any more steps.

These are the Zillie Falls - not possible to get to the bottom of them.

Ellinjaa Falls - must have been about 100 slippery steps to get down to the base ----and then the climb back up was even harder.

Close up of the top of the falls.....

and this is the base of the falls.

While we were having a break in Herberton, this Pale-Headed Rosella came to talk to Val.

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